Helpful Resources

Information and Resources for Providers and Community Organizations

This section contains useful breastfeeding promotion information, resources, and tools for community partners and providers. In this section, you will find information ranging from national breastfeeding data to healthcare focused resources, such as Washington's Lactation Friendly Environments program, to coalition building tools and health equity resources. If you have resources to share here, please contact us.

Breastfeeding Report Card

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s bi-annual Breastfeeding Report Card compares state- and national-level data to the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations and Healthy People 2020 targets. The Breastfeeding Report Card focuses on two sets of indicators, breastfeeding rates and support, and now includes breastfeeding data from Puerto Rico. The Breastfeeding Support Indicator measures key elements in the community setting. Indicators evaluate support provided in hospitals, birth centers, peer and certified lactation providers, and child care settings. To read how Washington State compares, visit page 4 of the 2016 Breastfeeding Report Card.

National Immunization Survey (NIS)—National and State Breastfeeding Rates

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Immunization Survey (NIS) estimates vaccine rates for children 19-35 months and 13-17 years in the United States. Beginning in July 2001, the CDC added breastfeeding questions to the survey, creating the U.S. National Immunization Survey — National and State Breastfeeding Rates. These questions capture information on the percentage of children breastfed (broken down by age and different exclusivity rates) and percentage of infants who received formula supplementation.

mPINC Survey

The Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) survey analyzes and collects data on infant feeding care processes, policies, and maternity care staff. All hospitals with maternity services and all free-standing birth centers in the United States and territories are invited to participate in the survey. The mPINC is conducted every 2 years to evaluate changes to policies and practices over time. The survey identifies where improvements in care can be made. Reports are broken down by state.

Additional Resources for Healthcare Facilities and Workers

  • Ban the Bags: a national campaign to stop formula marketing in hospitals
  • Blueprint for Action on Breastfeeding from the Surgeon General (October 2000), the first comprehensive framework on breastfeeding for the nation
  • Breastfeeding Bill of Rights: a list of patient breastfeeding rights from Jamaica Hospital Medical Center
  • Breastfeeding Friendly Consortium- Helpful Resources: resources aimed at professionals in health and medical fields from Virginia Dept. of Health & University of Virginia
  • Breastfeeding Friendly Washington Resources from Washington State Department of Health
  • Lactation Management Self-Study Modules from WellStart International
  • LactMed drug and lactation database from US National Library of Medicine and TOXNET
  • Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition Provider Resources, including fact sheets and handouts
  • Promoting Breastfeeding in Hospitals, Primary Care, and Worksites Trainings & Webinars from University at Albany, School of Public Health


WLC Resources for Families and Providers

About Breastfeeding

Information, links and resources to help families get off to a great start with breastfeeding or find help when facing challenges.

Work and Breastfeeding

90% of women in Washington State choose to nurse their baby, and most plan to continue when they return to work. More than half of all mothers with infants go back to work just weeks or months after their babies are born. Many moms say returning to work is one of the most common reasons for giving up breastfeeding before they want to. Support from employers is so important!

Breastfeeding Laws

State and federal laws protect access to lactation care, coverage of breast pumps, nursing in public, and appropriate break time and facilities for expressing breast milk after returning to work.